Call for Participation: New Video Feature for KDD 2012
We have introduced a new 30-second video advertisement program for authors to highlight their presentations. The videos are now ready at:
We will also run the video before the keynote talks and set up a video booth in the exhibition hall.
Let's enjoy!
KDD-Madness - creating a 30-second video clip to advertise your KDD paper/talk/.
Extended Deadline: 6th August, 2012.
Authors of the 30-second videos will have a chance to compete the KDD-Madness "BEST VIDEO AWARD"!!
About video upload
- The URL of the 30-second video uploading website:
Instructions for upload
- Create a free account at
- Go to the URL:
- Find your talk by visiting the corresponding session, and click on the talk
- You will see "Upload Video" button, click on that and follow the steps
About ACM copyright form
- In addition to uploading the 30-second video clip, you are also required to upload the ACM copyright form with your signature (in PDF format). The copyright form is required by ACM in order to get permission for broadcasting your videos and presentations to public.
- Please include "Your paper ID or talk ID" at the beginning of the filename of the Copyright-Release form.
- You can use "Upload Consent" button on the TechTalks' upload page to submit your signed ACM permission form.
FAQ about video uploading
For any technical questions regarding video uploading, please kindly contact: Rajnish Kumar [] and cc your email to KDD video chairs []
Microsoft Office Tips: "Turn your presentation into a video" -
Online video converters: or or
What is it about?
Would you like to advertise your paper and your talk to attract more people to your session and your poster? Will you like to give a 30-second advertisement for your work to show-off your talent? KDD-2012 will have a new feature: KDD-Madness, to help authors provide a quick overview of the incoming presentations of a given day.
In this KDD-Madness, authors are given 30 seconds to air their pre-recorded video. The presentation will be aired to all audience in the conference just before each keynote talk and during breaks on each day. These videos can also be accessed after the conference.
We need your help:
We strongly encourage the authors to participate in this event. Each paper will be granted 30 seconds video broadcasting time. Below is the requirement
- Each paper and associated poster is allocated 30 seconds only. In case of IPE and AGT tracks, each speaker is given 30 seconds. Please ensure your video takes no more than 30 seconds. Videos longer than 30 seconds will not be aired.
- We will announce the video uploading website on July 20th, authors will have until August 6th to upload their videos.
- We accept only mp4/mov/flv files with h.265/aac encoding preferred. The file size must be smaller than 50MB. One file each paper.
- Authors should name the video file using the paper ID or talk ID, e.g., "Paper ID or talk ID".mp4. Paper ID or talk ID.
- Try or or to convert videos.
- Authors of videos retain their rights to these videos, but are required to agree for KDD to air the videos during and after the KDD-2012 conference onsite and afterwards online.
If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to email us.
KDD-2012 Video Co-chairs
Steven Hoi
Shou-de Lin