
Program Schedule at a Glance

Accepted full-day workshops (August 12, 2012):

ID Title Organizers
1 The ACM SIGKDD International Workshop on Urban Computing (UrbComp 2012) Yu Zheng and Ouri Wolfson
2 Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining (WISDOM) Erik Cambria, Yongzheng Zhang, Yunqing Xia and Newton Howard
3 The 6th SNA-KDD Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis Qi He, Juanzi Li, Rong Yan, John Yen and Haizheng Zhang
4 The Sixth International Workshop on Data Mining for Online Advertising and Internet Economy (ADKDD'12) Ying Li, Tie-Yan Liu, Tao Qin, Esin Saka, James Shanahan and Dou Shen
5 Mining Data Semantics in Information Networks Jie Tang, Jiawei Han, Ying Ding and Philip Yu
6 Big Data Mining - 1st International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications Wei Fan, Qiang Yang and Philip Yu
7 The First ACM International Workshop on Hot Topics on Interdisciplinary Social Networks Research (HotSocial) Xiaoming Fu, Peter Gloor and Jie Tang
8 ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Health Informatics (HI-KDD 2012) Courtney Corley, Christopher C. Yang, Jiming Liu and Chandan Reddy


Accepted half-day workshops (August 12, 2012):

ID Title Organizers
1 KDD CUP Workshop 2012 Brian Dalessandro, Claudia Perlich, Gordon Sun and Yading Aden Yue
2 11th International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics Tamer Kahveci, Saeed Salem and Mehmet Koyuturk
3 The 6th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data (SensorKDD-2012) Debasish Das, Auroop Ganguly, Varun Chandola, Olufemi Omitaomu, Ranga Raju Vatsavai, Joao Gama, Mohamed Medhat Gaber, Nitesh Chawla and Karsten Steinhaeuser
4 The First International Workshop on Cross Domain Knowledge Discover in Web and Social Network Mining Bo Long, Yi Chang and Hang Li
5 The Twelfth International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining Aaron Baughman, Jiang Gao, Jia-Yu Pan, Fang Chu and Yizhou Wang
6 SustKDD: Workshop on Data Mining Applications in Sustainability Naren Ramakrishnan, Manish Marwah, Zico Kolter and Mario Berges
7 The First International Workshop on Software Mining (SoftwareMining-2012) Ming Li, Hongyu Zhang and David Lo
8 ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI-KDD 2012) Christopher Yang, Hsinchun Chen, Wenji Mao and Feiyue Wang
9 Workshop on Social Media Analytics (SOMA 2012) Alejandro Jaimes and Tanya Berger-Wolf
10 CrowdKDD: Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery with Crowdsourcing Nathan Liu, Shipeng Yu, Ed Chi, Haifeng Wang, Guirong Xue and Irwin King
11 Data Mining and Intelligent Knowledge Management Yong Shi, Zhengxin Chen, Gang Kou and Jiaping Li
12 International Workshop on Context Discovery and Data Mining Jilei Tian, Alvin Chin and Enhong Chen

Link to Call for Workshops.

Workshop Organizer Information

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a workshop organizer below is some frequently asked questions.

  1. About camera-ready copies:
    • You are responsible for collecting camera-ready papers from your authors. These can be through whatever means you use to get the initial submissions. Make sure final papers do not have page numbers on them.
    • ACM will ask for authors to sign (electronically, I believe) copyright forms when the time comes. You will need to provide ACM with a list of accepted papers, including the author names and email for the main author. We will provide more information on this later.
    • The format of camera ready papers should follow the same as the main technical conference. Information on that format is available here.
    • You are responsible for generating front-matter to the workshop proceedings (title page, description, PC, etc.). This should contain at least a title page and a description of the workshop, but you can include PC and table of content as well should you so desire--however, ACM DL will generate a TOC automatically. It should be in PDF.
    • You will need to provide final proceedings to ACM. Instructions will come later as we get more information from ACM.
  2. About copyright: the rights retained by authors who transfer copyright to ACM can be found here.

FAQ for Workshop Organizers

  1. Will the papers from the workshop be included in the KDD2012 Proceedings and/or ACM DL?
    • The workshop papers will be included in the KDD2012 Proceedings.
    • The workshop papers will be included in the ACM DL.
  2. Are there guidelines we need to follow for format/length of papers?
    • The paper MUST follow the ACM format.
  3. Can we have demos and posters?
    • No special equipment will be provided by the conference to support posters (e.g. boards). If you plan to use the walls then you must ensure that you do not damage them.
  4. Who will provide lunch?
    • It is up to each individual workshop to handle the lunch issue.
  5. Will registration be handled through the KDD Web page?
    • Yes, the registration will be handled through the KDD Web page.
  6. Will all logistics/facilities for the workshop be handled by the KDD organization committee (local arrangements chair)?
    • Yes.
  7. Will there be free registrations for workshop organizers?
    • Each workshop will receive one free registration. A registration code will be sent to the workshop contact person.
  8. ACM DL Matters

Workshop ISBN Numbers:

UrbComp'12 - 978-1-4503-1542-5
WISDOM'12 - 978-1-4503-1543-2
SNA-KDD'12 - 978-1-4503-1544-9
ADKDD'12 - 978-1-4503-1545-6
MDS'12 - 978-1-4503-1546-3
BigMine'12 - 978-1-4503-1547-0
HI-KDD'12 - 978-1-4503-1548-7
HotSocial'12 - 978-1-4503-1549-4
ISI-KDD'12 - 978-1-4503-1550-0
DM-IKM'12 - 978-1-4503-1551-7
BIOKDD'12 - 978-1-4503-1552-4
ContextDD'12 - 978-1-4503-1553-1
SensorKDD'12 - 978-1-4503-1554-8
Cross Domain DM'12 - 978-1-4503-1555-5
MDM-KDD'12 - 978-1-4503-1556-2
CrowdKDD'12 - 978-1-4503-1557-9
SustKDD'12 - 978-1-4503-1558-6
SOMA'12 - 978-1-4503-1559-3
SoftwareMining'12 - 978-1-4503-1560-9

Providing ACM with Copyright Forms:

ACM has an automated copyright form collection system for ACM published proceedings. Accepted authors are sent the ACM form and complete instructions. A weekly reminder is sent to authors with outstanding forms. Reminders are sent every week until four weeks before the conference/workshop.

You will have access to the system and can monitor the form submissions. All of the copyright forms must be submitted/approved four weeks prior to your conference/workshop, and viable paper/front matter files submitted to ensure DL inclusion of the proceedings on the first day of the conference/workshop.

The publication should not be distributed in any format until the copyright forms have been approved.

To initiate the automated copyright form system, ACM will need the following information in a .csv file:
"Paper Type", "Title", "Lead Author;Author2;Author3;etc.", "Lead Author e-mail"
Please note that papers of 5 pages in length or longer are considered Full Papers.

Sample record: "Full Paper", "This is a Sample Title", "Adrienne Griscti;Donna Cappo;John Smith", ""

"Paper Type" : Please include one of the following paper types (only) for each of the submissions:

  • Abstract
  • Course
  • Notes
  • Demo
  • Doctorial
  • Consortium
  • Extended Abstract
  • Full Paper
  • Invited Talk
  • Panel
  • Poster
  • Short Paper (4-5 pages)
  • Tutorial

"Title": Please include the paper title as it will appear in the proceedings.

"Author": Please list the lead author first, and include all contributing authors, separated by semi colons

"Lead Author email": Please provide the e-mail address for the lead author. The lead author will be sent the copyright form and be asked to endorse the form on behalf of all contributing authors.

Past samples of Workshop Proceedings

Further Information

Please direct all enquiries to the workshop chairs at

  • Zhi-Hua Zhou (Nanjing University)
  • Sofus A. Macskassy (Information Sciences Institute / USC)